初春已過盛夏接棒令人煩悶的高溫陣陣來襲如何確保裝載機空調有效使用快跟小編一起保養起來~01空調按鈕調控方式 先使用高風量,溫度適宜后再調至中低風量;建議外界環境溫度高時,開啟內循環,盡量減少外部熱風…
To view more >05-11
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1, replace the dust filterConventional air conditioning system cleaning includes the replacement of filter element, the use of detergent and removal of cleaning. Replace the dust filter is a simple way…
To view more >12-02
Summer has already begun, if the air conditioning is not cold, it is a very troublesome thing, as a customer, that is, there is no special type of machinery and equipment, there is no special air condi…
To view more >12-02
Bad behavior: Shut down the fire before turning off the air conditionerShutting down the fire before turning off the air conditioner is harmful to the engine because the next time the car is started, t…
To view more >12-02
Summer is approaching, the construction site is extremely hot, "how to do if the air conditioner is broken, summer work to hot death"! Dont worry, the air conditioner is really bad or fake ba…
To view more >11-02
Operating steps of mechanical thermostat: Start up: open the switch power supply to the ON position, the thermostat starts; Open the switch power to the OFF position, and the thermostat stands by. Orig…
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